Thursday, 3 September 2009

Street Fighter and Stir-Fry

Cheapskate dates with friends sound really good right now.

Dinner and a movie on a Friday night is perfect and low-key. If you host, everyone can pitch in three or four dollars to make a really easy meal. You can rent (or probably already own) a horrible movie to laugh about over food-- something you and your friends don’t really mind if you talk over.

I’m making your life easier by giving you a half-hour recipe. I know, I’m awesome and amazing and all that.

Plus, cooking is a life skill that you will never regret learning. Just watch your fingers during the food preparation (no one wants a Wendy's case at a dinner party).

To make this recipe cheaper, replace fresh veggies with store-brand frozen ‘stir-fry’ veggies.

Bad movie recommendation: I recently had the pleasure of watching Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li. This film is worth viewing for the god-awful Chris Klein acting ('You've just inherited a big problem!' says Nash) and endless wisecrack opportunities. And it sort of keeps with the American-bastardized Asian theme of the meal. It was either the most fun I’ve had mocking a movie, or one of the worst 90-minute sequences I’ve ever spent in my life.


Chilied Stir-fry (the Rachel Recipe)
Serves 4 or so

EITHER 2 boneless/skinless chicken breasts, OR 1 package tofu (for all you vegetarians out there).

2 small bell-peppers (seeded, cored, and sliced-- different colors, if you prefer)
1 cup sprouts
1 cup carrots (thinly sliced)
1 medium-sized onion (sliced into thin wedges)
2 cups broccoli florets

about 2 cups uncooked rice-- if you're expecting heavy eaters, make 3. (You can always save leftover rice for the next day as long as you reheat it well enough).

2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce (found next to soy sauce at most supermarkets)
chili powder (amount is purely based on preference).
1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons cooking oil (canola is great for this)

1. Find a large bowl for the rice (it should fill less than half of the bowl, otherwise you'll see overflow). Add 1 and 3/4 cups water for each cup of rice you've used. Add the salt. Leave uncovered and cook on high for 10 minutes.

2. Prepare the protein. Cut chicken or tofu into 1/2-inch thick strips, and add chili powder. The easiest way to do this is to put the chicken in a baggie and sprinkle on the powder, shaking the chicken/tofu until it is covered evenly (you might need to use your fingers to massage out any clumps). Two teaspoons will ensure your stir-fry is mild. If you want more, add more, but be wary-- when you start measuring in multiple tablespoons, you're in dangerous territory.

3. Heat cooking oil in a large skillet or wok, and add the chicken. Make sure you continually turn the chicken or tofu-- cooking too long on one side and it will dry out. Keep it moving.

4. Check on your rice. Don't stir it, but give it a rest for a moment or two... it will be going back into the microwave to cook, uncovered, on medium-low for 15 minutes.

3. When the chicken is no longer pink (or the tofu has browned), add carrots, onions, broccoli, and bell peppers. Add the soy sauce and the water. Keep the contents of the wok in motion-- don't let it sit still for more than 20 seconds!

4. Add sprouts when the water has half-evaporated. Continue frying until the water has fully evaporated, and add hoisin sauce for a few final tosses.

5. Fluff rice, and serve both up.

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